John Beale

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Having spent several years in media developing strategies across digital and traditional media, John Beale found his passion on the social side of digital and is now Head of Strategy at Cerebra. When he has a spare moment he drives cars and writes or talks about them.

Blog posts

BULLETS WITH BEALE: Social Media updates, in easily digestible portions

Today, a quick overview on GM pulling their Facebook ads

Here’s a very interesting read on GM pulling their advertising from Facebook:

The decision was made for two different reasons:

Social Media CRM

I touted Social Customer Relationship Marketing (CRM) as one of the key trends in social media in South Africa for 2012, and I think it needs some explaining.

What is it?

Social CRM is the process of linking customer profiles (back-end data) with customers’ social profiles (front-end data), providing a 360 degree view of the customer when engaging.

Why is it important?

Social CRM has seen huge growth in the more established social markets overseas due to the rich data that social brings to the table. But there are some key reasons why it’s important for those companies who engage in social media.

    Understanding the TwitterSpeaks

    If you’re on twitter you have no doubt seen some pretty strange and colourful “language” being used by some tweeps.

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