Kellen Rodney

Kellen Rodney's picture


I am a Scrum Master responsible for the agency Traffic role. I interact with social, mobile and traditional media teams to manage workflow and internal deliverables. I love to run but don't get my legs moving often enough. But, hand me a pair of ski's (and some snowy slopes of course) and you won't see me for days!

Blog posts

The time is here: Timelogging

Towards the end of last year I wrote a post on Timesheets in a Digital Agency. We were tossing around ideas of time logging on our accounts and after several trials were set up, training workshops conducted plus some testing and feedback sessions (cue tears, frustrations and also joy) we finally partnered with a company who we felt suited our agency culture and workflow the best.

Enter Magnetic.

What we're learning

Timesheets in a Digital Agency

The question of whether or not to use timesheets is one that every agency has faced, and one that needs to challenged on many levels. Teams who have never logged time shudder in fear at the prospect but it doesn’t need to a scary experience. This got me thinking of how we could adapt an essential practice into a dynamic agency that prides itself on being agile and innovative.

You’re asking people to tick off hours into a prescribed big brother model – confining them in a box and setting boundaries for their interaction with the work they’re engaged in.

New features for Facebook Page Admins!

Have you seen the latest from Facebook affecting community and page moderators? We can now assign administrator roles! As an Admin you can assign specific roles to other Admins on your page.

Why is this cool?

Page Admins will definitely find this feature appealing. With the ability to restrict permissions on the pages this allows for more control and less social media fails. As larger brands employ a full social media team, a digital agency and internal resources all working 'behind' the page it means less room for error!

There are five different categories with different levels of permissions;

  1. Manager
  2. Content Creator
  3. Moderator
  4. Advertiser
  5. Insight Analyst

Anticipated, efficient delivery

In recent projects we have started to notice a greater need for all vested stakeholders to be on the same page, especially at the right time. We’re placing more emphasis on aligning the goals and outcomes of individual outputs so that they better contribute to overall success of delivery on projects.

But how do you ensure that your team is ready and capable to deliver amazing work on integrated campaigns or project-related work?

Managing your social media profile

The recent massive boom in online social behavior has turned social networks into powerful profile building opportunities. Having a Twitter account is now the latest “must have” item for every famous movie star, musician, business person and fitness athlete – each of whom use these online tools to build and manage their online reputations. But, it isn’t just for famous people. Thousands of ‘ordinary’ people have cleverly used social media to build powerful online profiles, and the tools to do so are available to everyone.

Online Reputation Management Podcast

Cerebra’s own joined BrandsEye MD Tim Shier on the Digital Edge recently, discussing the merits and measures of Online Reputation Management (ORM).

Harduth, a young professional specialising in ORM, was invited to participate in the Digital Edge podcast, particularly to create a better understanding of the importance of ORM. Moreover, to dispel the myths and clear the jargon around the subject.

Harduth and presenter Erich Viedge discussed the ORM components of SlutWalk.

Tackling large projects

My team and I were recently made aware of the importance of aligning goals at the start of any project.

Cerebra takes home two Bookmarks Awards

Cerebra, a strategic digital communication agency based in Johannesburg, won two silver Bookmarks at the awards ceremony on 10 November 2011 held at the Pigalle restaurant in Greenpoint, Cape Town.

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