Tiisetso Tshetlo

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Blog posts

Tweeting versus experiencing

As children, we were always told not to bring our gadgets to the dinner table, that it was “rude to be busy with something else while someone was trying to talk to you” and “quality face time is more important than conversation with people who were miles away”. With social media growing as rapidly as it has however, times certainly have changed.

Cerebra’s CEO has this to say, “It's a little bit like saying a hundred years ago you can't have telephones in offices because the ringing will distract people. It's [social media] a part of life these days.”

Social Media For Parents: How not to cramp your kid's style

Our children are living in the information age. They have moved from just chatting via text messages, BBM, WhatsApp, IM, mig33 or MXit. They want to stay in touch with friends; which is where social media comes in. With incidences of cyber bullying, sexting and pedophiles on the prowl, it’s only natural that parents are concerned about their online safety. While you still want to keep tabs on what is going on in their lives and what they come into contact with, you don’t want to invade their privacy and end up losing their trust. It’s important that you educate and empower them by setting proper ground rules.

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