Social Media

The Social Media Orchestra

Recently (a fellow Cerebran) and myself visited the Johannesburg Philharmonic Orchestra as a team building exercise. While listening to the music I started thinking how Cerebra is like an orchestra.

It all starts with the composer
What do Beethoven, Mozart, Strauss and have in common? A bunch of composers and then John, Cerebra’s strategist … I promise it isn’t a riddle.

The ‘Digital Natives’

Written by Rachel Calteaux

‘Generation Z’ otherwise known as the ‘Digital Natives’ might have more influence on the current social media landscape than we think.

This digital-savvy generation comprises of those born in the mid 1990’s to the early 2000’s, meaning the majority of them have grown up with the Internet and caught onto social media before anyone else. This generation has been weaned on smart phones and laptops and they have, if not will, become comfortable and even dependent on digital technology. “Gen Z” is one of International Agency JWT’s for 2012.

Our Identity Part 2: The Community Lifecycle (or what we do)

Cerebra’s tag line is ‘We are community’ which refers not only to the culture fostered within our company but also through our role as curator of our clients’ communities. In our last post Our Identity Part 1: The Cerebra Mission Statement and Manifesto (or who we are and why we exist) we spoke about our mission statement and manifesto - the answers to “who we are” and “why we exist”. In this post we’re going to talk about “what we do” – the lifecycle that all of our clients’ communities go through before reaching maturity and self-sustainability.

Zunguz, Your Finance and Facebook

I doubt you’ve heard of ZunguZ yet. Don’t fret, if they deliver on their value proposition, you will soon. Essentially, Cape Town based ZunguZ has developed the first micro lending and money transfer application on Facebook and according to co-founder Robert Sussman, the app is more secure than a credit card transaction.

Confessions of a Content and Community Manager: Method in the madness.

So there I was, chatting to a high school buddy and catching up on the past 6 years when he turned and said, “So you just update a status, send a tweet and get paid! Hook me up with a job.”

His sarcasm wasn’t appreciated. If it weren’t for him putting on 20 odd kilograms and living with his mother, I would probably have felt the need to defend myself. Instead, I let the heathen have his small victory while I quietly contemplated all it is that I do.

Here’s a day in the life of a content manager:

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