
Pirates of the Cyberean

Today’s blog post is inspired by a Matthew Inman cartoon that featured on The Oatmeal not too long ago;
The cartoon is about the trials and tribulations of a “law-abiding citizen”, trying to watch an episode of the popular series, Game of Thrones, and how trying to do so legally proved to be quite a hassle.

Email communication sucks

Email is great if you use it to mail your friends and family, sort of like how we used to send each other post. I want to see important things in my email, not junk mail and definitely not chain mail (a type of funny/shocking email that one sends around and around via email) that colleagues and friends tend to send all the time.

Communicating via email not only sucks because of this, but if it is the main source of communication between you and your client; tasks and important mail tends to get lost because each of us get tons of mail each day and we sometimes miss emails due to all the clutter.

BrandsEye improves accuracy of ORM

Software provider harnesses the power of the crowd to tackle the industry’s holy grail: accurately gauging sentiment online.

BrandsEye, the world’s only crowdsourced online reputation management service, has introduced a powerful new technique to its online monitoring application. BrandsEye Crowd now combines the benefits of three powerful elements: the all-knowing wisdom of the crowd, managed through the minute attention to detail of computers, and focused by the strategic judgement of trained professionals.

Google's privacy changes

As many of you may know, Google will be changing their privacy policy as of 1 March 2012. I have a feeling that most people won't really pay much attention to this, let alone read it. As it turns out, it's quite an important document that has a fairly large effect on our online presence. To make it a little bit less boring, and a lot shorter, I decided to create an infographic about what you can expect from these changes.

If you'd like more information on the new privacy policy, click here:

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