Online Media

Hitting the right note using social media

It’s done wonders for Justin Bieber, connected David Guetta with new fans worldwide and helped launch the careers of many struggling artists.

This “thing” I speak of is not something available to a select few. If anything, it’s free and accessible to anyone. It’s the Internet

While video may have killed the radio star the Internet gave birth to a whole new generation of cyber stars who have successfully launched and continue to promote, share and sell their music online.
So if all clicks lead to the digital platform why are so many musicians still struggling to get it right?

Demystifying Online Reputation Management

A Q&A between (Head of ORM) and (Head of Strategy)

1. What exactly does ORM stand for?
  • Online Reputation Management
2. That’s nice, but what does it mean and what does it actually do?
  • The ORM process lets you listen to the thousands of conversations happening online, measure sentiment - which affects reputation and lets you take a look at the people who mention your brand. It's like stalking on steroids. And with pie charts.
  • It let’s you know what your brand looks like online, and what you can do to change or maintain that.

5 steps to building digital communities that really impact your business

One of the more appealing opportunities for brands engaging with customers in social media is soliciting candid feedback about their products and service. With the right amount of investment in your communities these insights can have a profound impact on the way you conduct research, design business processes, train staff, build products and more.

Strategy starts with defining clear objectives. The same applies to social media (or digital) strategy — without clear objectives at the start, engagement falls flat. Traditionally these objectives are defined by the business and are in line with your brand ideals. Your brand ideals are all those things you believe your customers think and feel about you.

Client Custodians | Understanding ORM

Earlier in the year, we introduced you to the concept of Online Reputation Management [ORM], what it’s not and how we do it here at Cerebra. You also learnt that leading ORM tools now incorporate crowdsourcing in their study of brand sentiment; generating results far more relevant and accurate than the industry’s standard. ORM is certainly an ever-evolving concept and tool.

Should old school researchers be using new school techniques?

When I mention the word ‘research’ you would be forgiven for yawning, as yes, traditional research with qualitative and quantitative methods can be laborious and overly time consuming. While I am not trying to dispute the amazing insight and results that can be yielded through investing resources into research, I do wonder if traditional researches are capatilising on modern online research tools.

These new school techniques and methods that I am taking about refer to that of Online Reputation Management, or ORM as it is commonly known. ORM tools afford the user the ability to track online mentions of just about anything, including their brand, competitors, people and events.

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